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Medical & Surgical Specialties
Best in class comes together to provide the very best cure and care in each department

Emergency Contacts
82204 44002
0421 2203657
0421 2203658
94430 52766
COVID 19 bulletin
TMF Hospital has always been in forefront in health care needs of people of Tirupur. At this time of COVID 19 Pandemic, we are continuously working on to cater to the health and well being of our cities population. We are now a Govt. approved facility for administering COVID vaccines. As per Govt. guidelines eligible people are advised to contact us for vaccination. #LetsfightCOVID
Advice to Public
Thought for the Day
A Pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
An Optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
- Winston Churchill
Protocols followed for safety of Out Patients
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