General Information

General Information
Facilities in close proximity
Temple & Church
Post Office
Railway Station
Accommodation (Hotels)
Facilities in the Campus
Utility Complex: canteen, pharmacy.
Internet facility
STD booth / Xerox / Fax / Lamination
Parking Areas
Ample waiting area
Please Avoid
Smoking / Drinking / Spitting
Loud talking
Extra attenders, Sleeping in the hospital corridors
Giving money to somebody other than at the cash counters
Visitors having food in wards / verandas
Kindly Note
Hospital is not responsible for your belonging and valuables. Please contact Security Office for details.
Make sure that your mobile number is updated for sms about lab report, appointment confirmation etc.
Please cooperate with us to keep the hospital premises clean.
Suggestion Boxes
We value your suggestions and recommendations. There are suggestion boxes placed near Information Counter, Pharmacy, MRD, OPD entrance & Lab. Feedback forms are available at the Information Counter. Please make use of them.